
What Are the Different Types of SIPs?

Systematic Investment Plans, or SIPs, are among the most popular ways of investing in mutual funds. They allow an investor to invest a fixed sum of money at regular periods, hence facilitating wealth creation in the long run through smaller but periodic capital investments. There are various types of SIPs that respond to different financial goals and investor preferences. The following is a simplified explanation of the various types of SIP that exist. Regular SIP The most basic variety is a Regular SIP. Here, investors commit a fixed amount, which they invest periodically, every month or three months. This investment method will be ideal for investors who want to be very disciplined in their investment approach. Through constant investment, one can take advantage of the market's ups and downs to increase the growth prospect of the investment with time. Top-up SIP The Top-up SIP feature allows an investor to periodically increase the investment amount. For example, one who starts

A Beginner's Guide to Compound Interest Calculators

  Compound interest is a bit different from usual interest. It increases wealth by helping you earn interest on interest. Additionally, a compound interest calculator is a tool that helps to calculate the compounded value of an investment over time. Most companies work on the principle of compounding wealth. With advancements in technology, these interests can be easily calculated through compound interest calculators. These calculators help to calculate the compound interest for varied periods like monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, etc. The main benefit offered by the calculator is it tells you what wealth you’ll be able to create over time. This article talks about compound interest calculators benefits and how to use them. Benefits of Compound Interest Calculators There are various benefits of compound interest calculators which make them a considerable option over traditional methods of calculating. Below mentioned are the benefits: . Accurate Results - Compound interest calculato
  Financial accounting is crucial for any business organization. It offers a picture of a company’s financial position concerning its liabilities, assets and other obligations. It becomes hard for many to understand and come to terms with it. This article therefore seeks to urge the mystique of financial accounting. We will define Financial Accounting Meaning, Principles, Importance and Why It Matters. Thus, irrespective of the status of the individual being a business person, student or working person, knowledge of financial accounting plays a vital role in arriving at better decisions. It is now time to review its primary facets in an unprejudiced and uncomplicated manner. Financial Accounting Meaning Financial accounting is the process of identifying and reporting the results of an organisation’s economic activities. It has the effect of enhancing the accuracy of prepared accounts. These are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement. They envisage general