What Are the Different Types of SIPs?

Systematic Investment Plans, or SIPs, are among the most popular ways of investing in mutual funds. They allow an investor to invest a fixed sum of money at regular periods, hence facilitating wealth creation in the long run through smaller but periodic capital investments. There are various types of SIPs that respond to different financial goals and investor preferences. The following is a simplified explanation of the various types of SIP that exist.

Regular SIP

The most basic variety is a Regular SIP. Here, investors commit a fixed amount, which they invest periodically, every month or three months. This investment method will be ideal for investors who want to be very disciplined in their investment approach. Through constant investment, one can take advantage of the market's ups and downs to increase the growth prospect of the investment with time.

Top-up SIP

The Top-up SIP feature allows an investor to periodically increase the investment amount. For example, one who starts off with investing ₹7,000 every month may choose to increase it by ₹1000 every year. It will help those whose income is going to increase in future times save more without an added load on finances.

Flexible SIP

Flexible SIP facility permits variation in investment amount each month as per your financial condition. In some months, you can invest more, while during months where there is an unexpected expenditure, you may reduce the contribution. This would help to keep your investments in much better shape in situations where monthly earnings are not predictable.

Trigger SIP

A Trigger SIP is for the advanced investors who keep the market conditions in consideration. Through this, you will be able to set the conditions on when your investments increase or decrease. Example-the market falls below a particular level, then you would want to invest more. This too involves a decent amount of understanding of the market trends and is a little riskier than the other types of SIPs.

Perpetual SIP

A Perpetual SIP does not have a fixed end date, which implies thereby that one can keep on investing in it for as long as possible. It's good for investors who want to invest continuously without thinking about when to stop. However, it is important that one keeps records of the invested amount and changes the investment strategy from time to time.

SIP with Insurance

Finally, there is the SIP with Insurance wherein the investment is equated along with life insurance. Part of your SIP contribution goes towards a life insurance policy. It will cover you and also let you earn. This option would be good for those who want to secure the financial future of their families and create wealth.


The kind of SIP selected will depend upon the financial goal, income level, and ability to take risks. For most investors, a regular SIP is enough, while top-up and flexible SIPs may be used by those whose financial position may change over time. Consider personal circumstances and, if necessary, always consult with a financial advisor. Platforms like Tata Capital Moneyfy help in managing investments and selecting the right kind of SIP as per individual needs.



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